Adaptive learning can take on a look in your classroom that can completely change the idea of what we thought individualized learning looked like. In my next blog post, I would like to share what i've learned adaptive learning can look like and ways that I am starting to incorporate adaptive learning into my sixth grade math classroom! Before we start, however, I want to highlight the fact that my classroom is 100% a work in progress. In no way do I feel I have "mastered" the approach to adaptive learning in my classroom but I would like to share some resources that I have found helped me along in the transition to the adaptive learning lifestyle in our classroom! What Could Adaptive Learning Look Like for YOU ? While I believe technology helps in the blended learning classroom, technology is to be thought of as a support in making this transition easier on yourself (the educator) and the students. If you're like me, my school district has been limited...
Make the change to an adaptive learning atmosphere in your classroom to give your students the best individualized learning experience no matter the content!